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5-2 Final Project One Milestone Two Draft of Communication Strategies and Sales and Marketing

5-2 Final Project One Milestone Two Draft of Communication Strategies and Sales and Marketing

Q For this milestone, you will apply what you have learned in prior modules about communication strategies and sales and marketing and submit a draft of the communication strategies and sales and marketing sections of your Final Project One submission, your sport organization research paper. To complete this assignment, review the following documents: • Final Project One Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric • Final Project One Guidelines and Rubric SPT 200 Final Project One Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview: In this assignment, you will examine the communication strategies and sales and marketing strategies of your selected organization. This milestone is due in Module Five. Prompt: Submit a draft of the Communication Strategies and Sales and Marketing section of Final Project One. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Communication Strategies A. Describe the media strategies that your organization currently employs, including any presence it has on social media. Provide examples to illustrate. B. Explain any ethical considerations your organization takes into account in its communication and media strategies when promoting the brand. Cite specific evidence that supports your position. C. Detail how your organization engages in outreach with professional networks and with fans, including how it promotes volunteerism both internally and externally. Cite specific evidence that supports your position. D. To what extent is your organization building professional networks? Cite specific evidence that supports your position. E. To what extent is your organization engaging fans or encouraging internal and external volunteerism? Cite specific evidence that supports your position. II. Sales and Marketing A. Describe the overall approach your organization takes in marketing its products and/or services, focusing on how it employs relevant data points in its decision making. Provide examples to illustrate. B. Identify your organization’s key consumer demographics, describing how they are targeted in marketing efforts. Be sure to include how the data supports this targeting. C. Provide your organization’s sales or other fundraising goals and determine how successful it has been in meeting those goals. Be sure to use the data to support your conclusions. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Two should be 2 to 3 pages in length and should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Communication Strategies: Media Describes the media strategies currently employed by the organization, including on social media, and provides examples to illustrate Describes media strategies currently employed by the organization, including on social media, but description is cursory or does not provide illustrative examples Does not describe the media strategies employed by the organization 12 Communication Strategies: Promoting the Brand Explains ethical considerations the organization takes into account in its communication and media strategies when promoting the brand, supporting explanation with specific evidence Explains ethical considerations the organization takes into account in its communication and media strategies, but explanation is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or is not supported with specific evidence Does not explain ethical considerations the organization takes into account 12 Communication Strategies: Promotes Volunteerism Details how the organization engages in outreach with professional networks and fans, including how it promotes volunteerism both internally and externally, and cites specific supporting evidence Details how the organization engages in outreach with professional networks and fans, including how it promotes volunteerism, but details are cursory or supporting evidence is not included Does not detail how the organization engages in outreach with professional networks and fans 12 Communication Strategies: Professional Networks Makes reasonable and well-informed claims about the extent to which the organization is building professional networks using specific supporting evidence Makes claims about the extent to which the organization is building professional networks, but does not make fully reasonable and well-informed claims using specific supporting evidence Does not make claims about the extent to which the organization is building professional networks 12 Communication Strategies: Engaging Makes reasonable and well-informed claims about the extent to which the organization is engaging fans and encouraging volunteerism using specific supporting evidence Makes claims about the extent to which the organization is engaging fans and encouraging volunteerism but does not make fully reasonable and well-informed claims using specific supporting evidence Does not make claims about the extent to which the organization is engaging fans and encouraging volunteerism 12 Sales and Marketing: Overall Approach Describes the overall approach the organization takes in marketing its products and/or services, focusing on how it employs relevant data points in its decision making, and provides examples to illustrate Describes the overall approach the organization takes in marketing its products and/or services, but does not focus on how it employs relevant data, or does not provide illustrative examples Does not describe the overall approach the organization takes in marketing its products and/or services 12 Sales and Marketing: Key Consumer Demographics Identifies the organization’s key consumer demographics, describing how they are targeted in marketing efforts, and supports description with data Identifies the organization’s key consumer demographics, describing how they are targeted in marketing efforts, but response is cursory or not supported with data Does not identify the organization’s key consumer demographics 12 Sales and Marketing: Sales or Other Fundraising Goals Provides the organization’s sales and other fundraising goals and determines how successful the organization has been in achieving the goals, using data to support conclusions Provides the organization’s sales and other fundraising goals, determining how successful the organization has been in achieving the goals, but response is cursory or not supported by data Does not provide the organization’s sales or other fundraising goals or determine how successful it has been in meeting those goals 12 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 4 Total 100%

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Communication Strategies Advertisements via social networking websites like Facebook can be considered to be commonly utilized by Nike as its major media strategy (Graves, 2021). This is because there can be diversified ages, genders, as well as personalities of Facebook users influenced to become or remain consumers of the organization in future. There are Facebook posts which are also concentrated by the social media managers of the organization to capitalize on (Graves, 2021). This is because there can be comments made on such posts by the users of Facebook. These comments can be positive or negative depending upon the experience of the products (mentioned in the posts) used and consumed by the Facebook users. There have been several posts with negative comments removed from the social media websites by the organization (Graves, 2021). There is also Twitter utilized by Nike to ensure that there can be tweets made by the organization on its products, consumers, and business activities (Graves, 2021). There are attempts to maintain updating the social media community of Nike by continuously adding social media users admiring Nike (Graves, 2021). In this way, there is a specific emotion of a specific design of lifestyle developed by the organization for making its admirers remain in the social media community. There is special attention paid by the organization in ensuring that the code of ethics while utilizing media is never violated by any organizational member (Graves, 2021). The public relations manager of the organization has been advised the social media managers to rectify anything stated in an exaggerated manner or just to please online customers (Graves, 2021). Biased statements or comments by the organizations members of Nike are checked by monitoring such statements. There are apologies enforced by the organization for concerned employees to make in case such employees have made mistakes of stating anything in a biased way via social media (Graves, 2021). There is aesthetic as well as emotional appeal made by the products, taglines, and promotional techniques of the organization (Graves, 2021). There are specific types of events like healthcare awareness, assisting the underprivileged, etc. in which the organization participates as a sponsor (Graves, 2021). Professional networks are being built by the organization by forming legal contracts with branded organizations like NFL (Brown, 2021). The logo of Nike is present in the apparel of sportspersons famous for playing specific types of sports activities (Brown, 2021). There are fans of the organization being engaged to a great extent via media, social media or social networking websites, awareness campaigns, etc. There is also engagement of fans by conduction of contests like lucky draws, consumers being eligible for high percentages of discounts, consumers being eligible for receiving free or complimentary products and/or accessories of the organization, etc. (Graves, 2021).